Gianni the Greek
UFC 312 w/ 5% BIG MOVE (#1 MMA 2024)
L/365 Days : MMA 5% BIG MOVES= “14-5” (74%) / +40 Units Won / +42.2% ROI
The octagon is set, and the 5% Big Move is locked in! Don't miss your shot at Winning Big on UFC 312!
- Gianni Finished #1 in MMA PROFIT OVERALL in 2024 !!!
- He's now WON MONEY in 6 of the L/7 Years -
- Subscribers WON +98.70 Units (+8.6% Return on Investment)
Whether you're looking for a main event lock or a money-making parlay, this package has you covered!
Get Gianni's Saturday UFC 312 Pass : w/ 5% BIG MOVE! - Only $39
*** Premiums Added thru Sat @ 6pm est ***